In the month of April 1993, a group of people, all from the different backgrounds and professions sat down together to form a society which could in the times to come, literally change the face of NOIDA. Making it beautiful, lush green and with an environment which is healthy, clean and conducive.
These people may have come from different working groups but there was one line joining them together, one common bond which brought them together, their love for flowers, their obsession with plants and concern for the environment.
Thus a platform formed "THE FLORICULTURE SOCIETY, NOIDA", Which has brought together people with similar interests, nature and cause. Apart from inculcating love for flowers and interest in gardening, the society is trying to spread awareness for our environment. Our town Noida is primarily an industrial township there for the society risk responsibilities are much more because here chances of environmental abuse and pollution are so much more. As a part of our strategy the society has tried to bring together all the three units of Noida- the Administration, the Industry and the Residents to join our cause of making the town green, beautiful and environmentally aware. It was in January 1994 that the society earned a legal status by having itself registered. The basic objective which the society consistently strives to achieve & propagate his 'love for flowers, care of nature and concern for the environment'. The society serves as a Platform to educate the members through various workshops, lectures & trips to Flower Shows, nurseries and farmhouses. Every year the society along with the Noida Authority conducts a Flower Show, aptly known as 'Vasant Utsav'.

Besides the annual flower show 'plant Bazaar' helps the members to exchange plants and seeds amongst themselves. The society along with the Noida Authority also undertakes the tree plantation in the city, thus minimizing the effects of industrial pollution. Sector parks are also maintained and beautified by our members, sector 17 Park, sector 30 and Shaheed Smarak at sector 29.
In 2009 the Floriculture society extended itself to Greater Noida to enthuse its residents along the same green path followed by Noidaites. The society continuously strives to achieve its program of making Noida 'Clean, green & Floriferous'.Our Society slowly spread out to NCR too. we have members from Delhi Ghaziabad who actively participate in the garden competitions & Flower shows. Besides the regular monthly meetings we have started demos, hands on workshops & nursery visits.
3 years back FSN branched out to make a BONSAI club. It started with 30 members and we are now 60. Regular monthly meetings with experts are held at sector 8 Nursery office . FSN did not have any office space to call its own . But Noida Authority recognized our good work and gave us an office space in sector -8 Nursery . This enables us to have all our office records in one place & also conduct out meetings.
After the 2020 Flower show in February, a big set bach came in the form of Covid-19,
But FSN turned it into an opportunity to conduct 3-4 meetings every month instead of 1. We are fortunate to have a variety of interesting. Zoom sessions by renowned horticulturists. We have around 70-80 participants in each meeting. Thus Zoom meetings are a boon for us. We are always open to suggestions to make our meetings more meaningful & lively.
The Society is playing a very important role in educating its members all about beautifying our environment & living a healthy life.
Thanking you,